Some pictures from the Guesthouse (N19.10507 E102.92505) known locally as the Sayphasert GH.

The royal palace on one of the hills overlooking Long Cheng (the palace is off-limit to visitors)

Breakfast at the restaurant in town and the rain started coming down by the bucket-full so even the chickens looked for a dry place to hide

While waiting at the Long Cheng district offices I noticed that they had a map of the new Xaysomboun Province complete with the borders of the new districts. I wanted to take a picture of that map but the guys in the office looked decidedly unhappy about that so in the end I took a picture of a picture of Long Cheng which had been nailed to the wall. The American compound is in the lower-right corner while a little bit higher on the right Vang Pao's house is clearly visible

Still heavy rain so our trip offroad to Phonsavan was an interesting trip with quite a of bit slip-sliding up and down the mountains

To Laos and Long Cheng with the Thai Lao Cambodia Brotherhood (TLCB)-vertical-profile-track-long-cheng-phaxay.jpg
The vertical profile of the track from Long Cheng to Phaxay District

Mac handing out some pictures which he took on a previous trip and which he had printed out to people in Tha Tham Bleung

We made a quick stop to have a look at the remnants of a Russian tank and Mike indicated that according to him it was a PT-76 (light amphibious tank) and not a T-72 tank.

The next day the work started in earnest - handing over some completed projects and this requires speeches, paperwork, signatures, rubber stamps, picture taking and celebrations and I can tell you that the Lao people know how to celebrate


The celebrations involve always food, sometimes a "Baci" ceremony and lots of drinks - the horrible white stuf Lau-Lau or Lau Kau in Thai which you feel burning all the way from your thoat to your stomach and copious amounts of Beer Lao

Baci ceremony at the school in Ban Sy Vieng Kham with lots of prayers and the tying of the white thread on the right hand wrist of the person who is being wished well - for background information of the ceremony see Baci - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The three M's (Mac, Mike and Me) after the Baci ceremony with a few of the local ladies serving beer at the party. It is quite common that during and after the meal one of the ladies gets up with one glass in which she serves the beer for the guests and starts asking everyone to drink a glass of Beer. But she is followed by Lady No. 2 and later by Lady 3 and so on and belief me, the ladies can be very persistent that you drink another glass of beer.

But then again, who can resist drinking a beer served by a lady with such a smile

The older guys normally prefer lao Lao and these two guys made sure that not even the last drip was wasted by serving it in the bottle cap